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Air/octahedron with fire/terahedron 6 dimensional point of view.

Air/octahedron with fire/terahedron 4 dimensional point of view.

Air/octahedron with fire/terahedron 3 dimensional point of view.
Here you see some pictures of the shape twisting around its 6 dimensional axles.

In the next pictures you see the finished shape so the 6 dimensional octahedron with its tetrahedrons

4 dimensional point of view.

6 dimensional point of view.

3 dimensional point of view where you see something interesting happening in the tetrahedron structure witch i highlite here below.

Here you see the structure of the 4 tetrahedrons forming in a way resembling the 4 dimensional cube

4 dimensional cube seen from 3d point of view.

Here you see the 6 dimensional octahedron sphere with out the tetrahedrons. The sphere exists out of 7 octahedron/air.

4 dimensional point of view

3 dimensional point of view.

6 dimensional point of view the point of view that the shape got created on.

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