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The Fibonacci sequence is a perfect tool to show the development of consciousness in your life. The white part in the centre is when you are in the womb. The whole sequence is in there and all the sequences that went before that your past lives. Then comes the brown part it is the now when your soul is attaching to the vessel the body the baby stage. Then comes the pink stage it is the stage of hours the houres in this stage 5 minutes are still a lot this stage goes on until 7 years when the teeth change. Than comes yellow stage it is the 7 day week when you go to school and live from weekend to weekend. then comes the blue stage it is the cycle of the month or moon you start working paying mortgage rent and living from salary to salary. Then comes the red stage it is the cycle of the year or earth when you start living from holiday to holiday or summer to summer or harvest to harvest. Most people don't come any further than that Because the green part is mutch bigger than all you ever experienced it is the cycle of the milky way. that is why it is called a rebirth a dying in life and a resurrection of a better you who knows what is important and not.

In the fibonaci circles onley circle 1 and 2 can make the figure8 pattern in the circle like seen in picture below. At the3th and 7th ring.

"here you see the 1 plus 1 makes 2 and 2 plus 1 makes 3 so you get tree times 1 ore rhater 0 to get the secuence goeing. with the 8 indide the 2 ring witch is the basic stucture of the eternalflower formula. 3x0 at the start coronsponds with the 3 rings at the basic of the earth core element. That starts the seaquence.

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