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The Refounder

Hello my name is Berend Jozef Moes. I call my self the refounder of the eternal flower system becourse the system is onley based on basics. And i can not belive that it does not exist somewhere else or have been existing. I will not explain anything new or what you could not have taugt of tour self. Still it took me quite some time to get it clear. And am still training to get it in my body and mind. This site is meant for me to get tings on paper and video and to give me motivation to train harder.

Berend Jozef Moes

Born 06-06-1977

Intrested in nature from young age and the ways or the native americans.

I was always in the forest and had a frend who did kiokishinkai karate.

I was non violent but was intersted in the mysticism surouning the martial arst. And asked him if he could find a scool where i could learn that. And startid training traditional kung fu when i was 16. in our scool we al had our speciality mine was double tigerhook swords. the thing i liked most about them is that you could form a hart with them when crossing them. the style tought at the scool was liu he. I always saw forms as examples of what people could do when they were masters of the basics. When playing a form i had the ideer that i did a dance with made me look like i was good but actualy i was nothing. The basics of the figer hook was flowering and the basics of lie he was wansau. I once asked my teatcher what was first the sword or the fist in the context of the art. And he said the sword. These 3 things are the basics of the eternal flower system. When flowering with my swords i once asked my teacher if it was possible to flower with two hands twisting in oposite direction and he said no. In my imatgination it would be possible. So i startid breaking my floweing in to peacis to learn to understand it better. Finaly i managed to flower with my weapons turning oposite directions. Then i managed to flower behind my back. But then i wanted to learn how to change the direction of the rotation of one weapon while the other keeps its course. And a whole lot of other stuf that i found out while digging. trying to master what i had imagined was to mutch for my brain to cope with at the speed i was used to at the time. but it seemed so simple so i kept on going. until my counsiosnes startid to fal away while training seeing onley red light with me eyes open. I startid to change and i had to work on everything trying to understand life but that does not do to the piont. I had to stop training the double weapon. But the system i could not let go i used the system to cultivate the energy inside and outside my body. And strartid training it with my hands in stead of my weapons. Out of this training i found a new respect for the training system. I am a pasifist and condaim every type of violence. But some one told me kung fu was the art of luring people with violence to teatch them peace and with out the fichting element people dont understand what they are doing. But it is a qi gong system. Internal and external.


My teachers.







The octupus is the smartest animal on earth it is connectid with the ocean tides and uses the moon as a satalite and magnetic bowl in conection with the earth and the universe and the multi verse. it is also conectid with the blue whale witch is the conection between the biggest life form and the smalest the plankton witch are conectid with the micro world. this is the trinity of nature the smartest the biggest and the smalest and all in between. When cracy people speak with the tong of the devil it is just nature trying to reatch us. Like the herbs between the tiles. we should not fear that they want to help us. Time is relative to what we do.


Panda Violaceae

Shelby Cobra

The Black Pearl The ancestors from the last time it went wrong

Khan AbisAnubis KhanKing Kong

Pandamonium Continium Vega

Mama Kaya

The Craws Nest.

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This is sacred eternal protected territory.

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