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the Kabalion

The kabalion exists in the luanguage centre of the brain. The morse code. everyting is vibbration.'
this means evrey thing is luanguage. Al types of luangage and all the same.
like math like forces like time and gravity and luanguage as we know it like talking and writing ore music. for most people even thinking is onley done in luanguage. butv what is luanguige where does it comes from what do these words realy comprihand this goes as deep as you caan *\magion. If you start to understand withstand or uperstand ore sit these things start to come alive in your head like reading a book. The atension time singronity. Reading your atension.
Every sound and silence can speak to you but it is a long road learning to lissten/read and writing is even harder. Your atension ion means ionisation it is when you number your self away to become one with the all. Then you become the wanderar the searcher the path finder.
You arte for a reazon here in this moment in time and every moment is part of who you become when you die in this life. Everey thing you clearly remember ore realy liked in your life tels you a story of who you are. Names you caled out of your pets are special. every thing you say ore think is special. Managing your toth is a serios biusnes if you had a bad touth you should rewind what happend and erase it our of your script like a octopus pulling one of its tentacals ore a time machine. It is a learning curve if you try your best all that is all you can do and you wil always be able to forgive your self. Managing your toth does not mean holding on to what is given to you it is about apreaciating the fact that it comes to you in that moment.
T.KNowing it whil come to you again when the time and place are in line. In this life ore the next. The most wonderful ting you can do in this life is creating some thing you would have wanted from the start in this life so create it for the next in hope then you will be able to fully employ your skils. We are stil birds in a shell waiting to hatch. Alone you can get a taste but onley all togetter animals plants microbes the universe all we know is real in this time and place. Togetter! Onley all togetter whe can grow we all have a piece of the puzzle that is the safty meganism. The octopus told me they where ones a winner they toth but winning is inpossible it just takes longer and more is lost and the end result whil be in a lower catogory.


A movie of a old book of mine in witch i already show the system

Being creative with luanguage is not easy. At first i would advice to take the numbers 1 to 0 and give eatch number a meaning a meaning that comes up to you when you hear see and feel the number. The words that conect in your mind make shure you understand the story you are telling when you count from one to 0. Then you number the leters from the alpha beth and try to understand the posision and number based on your numeroligy of the letter and the sound it makes all the words that start with the letter. So you get an ideer of the number and letter. And Then when you have a word that comes to your atension you can puzzle it out. Its al about atension guidid by your uncounsiousnes. What is it trying to tell you. Your uncounsious always nows endlesly more than you but how do both reath each other and leave both in peace. You can ad male female above below front back and left and richt to the mix. Reading means paing atension. what people do with hands and feet when they talk lissten enz. everyting that interests you you are able to study with these principals. On a primal level. You will have to be realy strong to able your self to see the ful spectrum of what is going on in this world. But it is the onley way that is worth it. And the onley way you are able to become a responsible adult. So Luangige was her way before us. And we do not own any intelectual property on any thing we do. When languige centre is cnoncored every thing can talk footsteps the wind movement of the legs  ore movement of flies. the tinteling when you gentaly toutch a plant. internal and external. when this is masterd we can re conect with out intervention and whil be pure and eternal.

your mind is your temple

The art of the crocodile and swalow is being able to sleep with one side of the brain while being awake with the other. The homo sapien is been sleeping with one side of the brain And has the ability to become a stereo sapien and a quatro sapien and from there on the steps are eternal. When you have concord your mind by reprograming it using the contra balencing system of the eternal flower. You are able to number your personality away and see things as they are it is caled ionizing. When you have a clean temple witch is ritch in respect in the natural order by deep understanding it is posible your temple will have visitors witch you can welkome bij opening one side of your temple for them so you are able you are able to inspire each other. monosapiens are created by people who wanted a afterlife in the licht with earthly posesions and lusts. Becouse of this we are frozen in time. Becouse of this mono sapiens dream vivid at nigt and have un controle able lust becouse of the undead parasiting on their life force. It is also posible to open your temple to the living by for example giving steve hawkings the chance to walk again and dance in your body. Every tome you exept some one in your temple it wil leave a inprint sharing a peace of him with you. Making you a wiser and ritcher person. This can be done with humans and animals. Who you become in the proses of life by the guidence of the ansesters and the living. Whill make who you will become afrer dying being able to serve others. But in that dimension time moves not one way but diferent ways so it al takes some studying and taking used to to get a hang of but when on track all is well. So when we al clear our mind they will loose their feeding ground and we will be able to share our mind based on free will. so chanche the eye i in o and x where x is not a 2 dimensional stoping sign with a dead body nailed to it but a vector equalibrium. Like this picture. But the afterlife in ligt was created for a reazon all wass created for a reazon we had to cultivate de world of the sint petrus cactus to create a part of cultivated licht in our minds. But now our of borence and closed temples the afterlife got out of controle it is al virsa versa work feeding each other. We have to try to make more contact to find new ways becouse ligt cultivation in ether was done for future missions. All should be solved with diplomacy not violence. And put in the richt prespective of us trying to save our selfes. We dont belive in bloud lines onley in water all bloud is water born out of tears.

When you write ore draw a square with 2 pens 2 hands at the same time you writing horizontal you will get these 16 binary variations
writing up and down you will get these 16 balanced movements.
when you combine the up and down writing you will get these 32 variations where the movement along the line of the square are not balanced.
Here you see an overview of all 64 combinations left the basics richt the advanced.
If you pick out all pairs where the squares turn the same direction you get 16 pairs.
If you would add a triangel to the equation this would happen where you see the energy focusing towards the sides. If the triangle would not move we get a different equation. 
In the video below you see the binary property of the triangle in T shape.

Yes means i can dicide that in a day up and down sun goes up sun goes down.
No means ocean The water and the sun will profide an answer  i will think about that another year.

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