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Astrochemistry is the theory of how the universe were we are now works as reazond from your own perspectif to eternity and back.

It is based on the theory that a staight line does not exist. And you will always come back at the point you started in a other perspective tho becouse of the experiance of the time in between. This proces will establisch as a perfect circle as the building block of reality. If lights moves tru a circulair based medium it should be possible to proof with modern nolige.

The geometric formula predicts that a 6D mind focused on past and future is able to produce toughts that matter. When a tought matters it produces elements and crystals on earth and in the universe. All toughts that have matterd pruduce the reality we are in now. Life wants to grow and the elements produced are the building blocks of the future. When you connect with matter you can find out what realy matters. All that have ever matterd still matters as your guides and teatchers to pruduce matter your self. The more matter your arcitype and the arcitypes you idintify with produce the more dominant it becomes. this is how the universe trys to realize our dreams and grows. Life wants to grow and the universe is a reflection of that. It will always facilitate our needs. And the needs of the universe in order to get us on track towards the reaction the universe had to the toughts the universe new matterd to us all. The answer to our dreams is always far more beatiful than we could ever imagine and is always a suprise. All life should matter no matter what anyone says. At death matter is always created tru the conection mind has to water life and dna. All that has ever been is stored in the  aether onley tought/toth can matter in to a senario in reality. Timing is crucial in order to have your thought alignd with the cosmos and expecialy the earth and all its creatures and plants.

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