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The basic elements of the Eternal Flower formula
The elemental Buildingblock of the formula that explains how everything could come in to existence from nothing but logic.
1. The sum of the polygons lead to the circle or Pi this number is eternal.
2. The most elemental value is plank length the diameter of the first circle is plank length.
3. The circle is a pattern of movement one rotation around half the circumference of the circle is one light speed unit.
This light element has a vibration harmonic property.
The circle rotating clockwise is time female, and rotating counter clockwise is memory male.
These 3 elements make up the building block of all things in existence.
Plank/Pi/Light Speed
If we take this elemental circle and place it in nothingness.
What are its property's?
1. The circle could rotate like a spinning coin creating a axle in the center of the rotation this axle would be Plank length one light speed unit.
The rotation would create a new circle around the axle. So positioned 90 degrees relative to the spinning circle.
This property leads to the creation of the 3D XYZ axle.
2.The next property of the circle is it has a center.
To reach the center of the circle.
The circle internal needs to create 2 half size circles.
This figure 8 in the first circle creates a S/ying and yang line in the circle.
If the light speed unit follows this S line it comes back to the one ring in the opposite direction it was turning before.
This creates a disturbance between left and right spin.
Resulting in the 4 fundamental forces of nature. Gravitational, electromagnetic, Weak and strong nuclear force.
When placed 3 circles in the original circle and the light speed particle Follows the line to the center it creates a kidney like shape that does not changes direction and stabilizes time and memory.
The light speed unit takes the same time/distance thru the internal rings as it does thru the first half circle.
This is the nature of the fabric from circles this is why light speed is a constant.
So the appearing to be straight line thru the circle has the same length as the half original circle.
The internal circles are relative to the harmonics on the external circle.
The internal numbers couse the deBroglie waves in the big circle. That create the platonic spheres.
It can also lead to internal and external concentric rings.
3.Besides spinning around its axle the circle in nothingness could also spin around its edge.
This creates a torus and a figure 8.
The particle can go from ine circle to the next.
This property leads to torus and figure 8 radiation every where the circles make a figure 8.
In harmonic resonance this property leads to the creation of the platonic spheres and their radiation.
4. The next property is that the circle has a flat surface.
This surface works as a mirror.
A tube worm hole it is timeless at the places it is stable synchronized it creates a place where time stands stil what we call matter.
It is the only pure straight line that exist in the fabric of space time.
These elements combined with the eternal logic of the platonic solids make up the building blocks of all things.
The 3 frequencys of the cube are aplied on all other platonic Solids.

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