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You can see every circle as a square with the oposite direction movement at the sides. its verry important to truly invision those oposites. So every thing that goes down on the left side goes up on the richt side. Evreything that goes to the left above goes to the richt below. When you make the left circle half size it will go up in the centre of the big circe. when you go from that circle to form the figure 8 the figure 8 goes up in the centre. when you would take the s line tru the figure 8 the big circle changes direction. when you would take the left circle now it would go down in the centre. Taking the s line of the figure 8 would turn the turning direction of the big circle again. If you would take the richt circle you would get the oposite story. So to change the direction of the big circle you go thru the figure 8 and to change the direction of the figure 8 you go thru the big circle. First you learn to understand the 4 directions. Then you can turn the system to get the directions inbetween. This results in 8 circles in one circle after that would come 16 witch is total freedome of movement. The size of the circles is variable and every circle has the propertys of the big circle. Some people would say but the flower of life has 6 padels witch is tru but that form symbolisez the birth of the 3 axles and the platonic solids that make up our 3d realty. This is about navagating tru our 3d reality. With the octahedron soul and the hexahedron body to the sphere/flower of eternity.

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