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The first form exists out of above witch is male positive uncounsius the universe non material unvisible witch is everything and nothing time is relative the gravity. below witch is female negative counsius the earth material and visible is the licht spectrum that is visible the rainbow the blood the rules and bounderys the parameters the anti gravity of witch we are a pruduct. the centere between those is the basic of who you are where your personal quality comes from. We all have a piece of the puzzle. This is 1 2 3. then the back 4 came witch is male past uncounsius the dream and imagination world the electro magnetic wave. becouse above and below have al ready figgured all posibilitys out it funktions like a mirror but the front future is limitid by time the back the past is not. So the front is female our visible world of limitations. but also our ultimite goal. the geografic north pole is the magnetic south pole. So above and below are gravity and anti graviti ore dualism back is positive ore (geografic) north pole front is negative ore south pole.

In the first image the green arrows are male energy and the red female energy. You can see above and back are the same and front and below. So you have 4 dualitys one centre and 2 pairs. Is 8 movements in total. from the centre there are 4 movements ore paths. all 4 dualitys onley have a way to the centre. the regecting energies want to go to the atracting energies and visa versa. then the scuaire ore circle emerges.

The property of the circle is that it can rotate clock wise ore counter clock wise. n movement that means when seen from the left the rotation turns the 4 dualitys in to 4 movements. This means with counter clock wise above becomes to the front below becomes to the back  back becomes up. and counter clock wise the oposite. this means every direction gets 3 propertys. witch are always in pairs

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