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Circle ore String

The sum of the 2d polygones always results in a circle that is why the circle is the building block of the multi d reality. The propertys of the polygones is still related to the circles in means of freaquencys that dicede the conecting points of the circle. Like the Broglie wave model of the atom. And as seen in the sound levitated water drop. Onley in the eternal flower model. All rings stay the same size and are actualy two half size circles togetter that pulsate like you could see a whole circle as one half circle that is pulsating back and forth. That halfcircle is folded open to create an orbit with out stress. Onley actualy it is two smal circles that pulsate back and forth. By combining two of those you get a flowing figure 8 that becourse of angulair momentum folds in to one flowing big ring. This theory is based on the atonomy of the human arm. becouse of that the ring still has some of those propertys making it magnetic and not static. So evrey ring onley resonates at certain freaquencys where the wave perfectly meats it self like the harmonics.
So there you have the string from the string theory. Onley in the broglie wave theory the harmonics ad to the string creating a biger orbit. In the eternal flower model the core model resonates turning every string in a plasma tube that resonates in to certain biger ore smaler elements based on the platonic solids. Creating diferent propertys. The Elements also resonate a specific way eatsh giving them the ability to devolep even more compicated elements. Of witch onley certen types resonate with eath other creating the periodic table of elements.
the propertys of the one ring.
The half ring is the same lengh as a ring half the size of the big ring. When one point on the ring is focused it always creates an oposite what than becomes the focus point as seen in the levatating water drop. This is why a whole circle is actualy two half circles joined.

When the ring with the 8 inside would resonate you van easy imagine the stres emering in the half circle witch it would try to stabilize by fliping the 8. At the moment exactly between the flip both would exist at the same time creating the 88 freaquency.
The two half circles can also be seen as a figure 8 going tru the centre of the circle. One half circle can also be seen as a S shaped line thu the figure 8 inside the circle. By folowing the S line the turning direction of the big circle flips. by folowing a half big circle the turning direction of the figure 8 changes direction.

here you see the first shape build out of the 4 oposites of the squaire. In 88 propersision. created out of finding the oposites that also create oposites half way. You can easaly imagine that when it resonates the focus shifts. These simulair effect makes the multi D objects devolep around the dimensions.

When the you would orbit he big circle and thake a path tru a half zize circle you would end up at the oposite of your original orbit

Here you see the original cirkle 8 with its abilty to change direction at 2 oposites and go to oposite orbit at two oposites.

Here is the 4 directions between the fliping point resulting in the 8 directions of the octogon.
Here you see a exampe of how they would be able to start interweaving. Where the orange circles could create yet 2 other circles. And the 3 circles in line would have more options of manipulating movement.

When two strings rearange like this.

the next logical step based on magnetics and the big ring would be places tru the centre and conection piont of the circles.

And with its counter part creating the triangle element with the polairity of the first circle and 8 still intact forsing it to flip. On the piont between the flip there are 6 pionts of a hexagon. disolving the polairity creating the souce field ore seed of life pattern.

Ratio between 2 and 3 even and odd numbers. Male and female forms where taking the male path changes direction of the larger cirkel and female does not.

Below you see how the symatics work in the rings in yelow male form and bleu female form. You see how perfect the paterns line up.

Ratio of the collors

Why a circle has 360 degrees. Here you see the corcles in the feminant 121 ratio tryng to finding its equalizing point. That is at exact 360 circles. Proofing this logic and calculating method was at the base of out metric system. And this is the nolige the antients where trying to undestand and make contact to.

Here you see the string resonating in the fifth harmonic producing the source code of the golden ratio.
Here you see the string resonating in the 4th harmonic in its male and female form.

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