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When you spin the cube/earth around its 6 dimensional axle you will get 7 cubes inside each other. You can see most energie from the 6 dimensions concentrating on where the octahedron is born out of the 3 dimensional cube. At the 4 dimensional point of view.

6 dimensional point of view.
Here you see face 2 of the 6 dimensional cube with a 3 dimensional stretch of the cube

The 3 dimensional point of view.
The 4 dimensional point of view where you see the distress emerging in the 4 dimensions coming from the 6 dimensions.

octahedron born out of 3dimensional cube.
You van see the simularitys in the patron.

12 dimensional point of view
Here you see how the core developed with the 6 dimensional twist. You can see how the energie pattern turns inside out

When you take a cube and make rings in the 6d as seen above you get the mentahedron core. When you spin the cube with mentahedron core around the 3d axle you get the same core as the 6d cube core.

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