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These are the 8 movemens basics.

You have 2 counter and 2 simulair moving circels. With eatch 2 variations. Witch 2 turning directions. At the pictures you onley see one so 4 movemens that can be done in 2 oposite directions. making 8 movements.

The variations of the same circels can be extanged by making smal whole circle with one hand and big half circle with the other hand.

To make a circle flip direction you can use the s line.

Above you see when one hand goes to oposite position in half circle the other makes smale whole circle to arive at same position.


Below you see the posibilitys to switch from one position to an other and changing movements with out erupting the flow.

Below you see the 6 posibilitys you have from the position with your hands up. In eatch position you have these 6 options.

Below you see the basic footwork based on the 7 circles of the 2D world witch is actualy 3D knowing the earth is round.  Below you see the 7 circles clusterd creating seed of life patern. And the efect when you arange the 7 circles conected in same cluster.


Below you see a lion at the imperial palace in china It has the seed of life in its richt hand. But i mirord the picture. But it shows the 2d model in a sphere witch shows they shure knew the earth was round ofcourse. So if you do your footwork on the 2D miror always remember you stand on a Globe. And on the other side the rain fals up and the fire burns downwarth.

Here you see the 4 circle and 7 circle grid on top of eatch other where you see them lining up every 7 circles in line at the centre of the 6 circles between you have the oposite or miror of the line up above and below.

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